This was too much for me to absorb after the first viewing. I had to watch it a second time to get it. It kinda felt like standing in the surf and then being hit by a giant wave that knocked me off my feet. That person is extremely dangerous and must be stopped.

As to the religious part, I have never understood how any religion can claim to be the only way. This puzzled me even as a child and I asked my mother what would happen to all the good people in the world that just hadn't ever heard about Jesus. Would they be condemned to burn in hell for eternity?? It just didn't seem right to me that if there was an all loving god, that people who didn't know about Christianity would be doomed, because if god loved everyone why would god damn them for never having heard of Jesus? Religious zealotry in any denomination rules by fear, not love.

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As the child of evangelical Christian missionaries, I asked that same question. We lived in a majority Muslim country for my first few years, and their god seemed a lot like our god, so I could not wrap my head around a whole country of people literally burning in a lake of fire (for all eternity) just because they used some different rules and had some different books.

Then we moved to a country that was majority Roman Catholic, but also practiced voodoo, and so, those people were also fated to burn forever, according to what I was taught. That's a cruel deity. My operating theory is that "true" believers embrace their god and their orange god-king because they are so similar. Petty, malicious, cruel, and stupid.

Thank you for being here, and for the comment.

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Have you sent this to the DNC? Because this is what ought to be on TV and Youtube - get it viral! This is what I call a hardball truthful display of the hate, stupidity and insanity of the MAGA madness.

I bet this was hard work. I'm impressed. I suggest more. I suggest a wide distribution. I will be sharing. Thank you.

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I wouldn't know where to begin. I have some skill-sets. Interfacing with political entities not among those skill-sets. I made this video, which is fair use compatible, a creative commons production. So anyone can share it freely or use it for anything they like.

I am good at passion projects. But I am not good at marketing them.

*edited: More is coming. I am dedicating the rest of my life to fighting this toxicity that is destroying the American experiment. Cults are intolerable and I'm fighting them.

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Nov 28, 2023
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Bye bye. Mental poison bots are not welcome here.

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Nov 26, 2023
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I'm going to leave this here for now with a cavea. DO NOT SPAM. Leaving a comment with which I completely disagree is acceptable. Leaving the same comment multiple times is not. If you leave the same comment more than once in the future I will remove and block.

Here is your comment in English with my rebuttals.

Pardon my French... Fuck you and your Jewish god.

<ME>I don't believe in or worship any gods. Especially the Abrahamic one. Not sure who you are directing your ire at.</ME>

Judeo-Messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for almost two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalism are more recent, but they have only reinforced the old Jewish narrative. They are the same ideals.

<ME>You couldn't be more wrong, but I don't waste time arguing with idealogical zealots.</ME>

The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, races, cultures) and which are the daily sustenance of our schools, in our media, in our popular culture, at our universities, and on our streets, have ended up reducing our biosymbolic identity and ethnic pride to their minimal expression.

<ME>This is utter nonsense.</ME>

Jewish bankers have flooded Europe with Muslims and America with Third World trash... . Exile as punishment for those who preach sedition should be reinstated in the legal framework of the West ... . Judaism, Christianity and Islam are death cults originating in the Middle East and totally alien to Europe and its peoples.

<ME>The "West" has been majority Abrahamic for at least one thousand years. It is absolutely not alien to Europeans. What you call Third World trash, I call the victims of colonialism, which was perpetrated by Europeans.</ME>

We sometimes wonder why the European Left gets on so well with Muslims. Why does a movement that is often openly anti-religious side with a fierce religiosity that seems to oppose almost everything the Left has ever claimed to stand for? Part of the explanation lies in the fact that Islam and Marxism share a common ideological root: Judaism.

<ME>You do not have sources with any authority because this is nonsense.</ME>

It looks like Don Rumsfeld was right when he said: "Europe has shifted on its axis", it's the wrong side that won the Second World War, and that's becoming clearer every day... ... What has NATO done to defend Europe? Absolutely nothing . . My enemies are not in Moscow, Damascus, Teheran, Riyadh or some ethereal Teutonic bogeyman, my enemies are in Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv.

<ME>I am against fascism, especially your conspiracy minded brand of fascism. Self-defense is acceptable. Forcing yourself on others aggressively is not. I hope you change your views before they destroy lives pointlessly.</ME>

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Good grief, what a nutcase antisemitic, Islamophobic, hatefilled subhuman you were conversing with there. 🤦‍♀️ It’s very unsettling to know there are people who think like that.

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Well done, Penfist, you've captured the insanity that millions have embraced.

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Frightening that millions of people buy into this insanity;

Charlie Kirk has a Turning Point USA convention where the whole Trump tribe gets up on stage and rants - and Kirk gets tax-free status as a church? Whatever happened to separation of church and state?

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This cult movement won't end well. The same people who believe in White Jesus believe in King Trump. That isn't coincidence.

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there's a reason the Founding Fathers separated church and state, but the Republicans can't wait to enforce their (White) Christian Nationalist so-called morals on America. There's a sickness behind all of this God-and-Country BS. In my post America's Love Affair with Guns there's a lady holding a gun, a bible, and a flag - sitting in front of a sign that says Mississippi Mental Health Administration.

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I was adopted and indoctrinated by evangelicals. I never bought in.

Note that your photo said mental hellth, a stupid attempt to be clever. Hell is a human creation, just as heaven is. I choose neither. I want a landscape free of morons peddling fantasies.

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in the political arena, I fear that win-or-lose, Trumpism won't go away gently.

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You are correct.

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If ever a “church” should lose its 503(c) status, it’s this one here. This is blatant political talk from a pulpit.

Not just political, also psychopathic, but that’s a whole other ball of navel lint to pick thru. Holy moly! What a nut job!

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I love how you put "church" in quotes. Churches are cons. Claims of divine authority are cons. If there are deities in this universe, they do not exist in the human sphere. Reject anyone who tells you their god is the only god. Con. Con. Con.

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test: having issues with posting on substack, just seeing if it's on multiple sites

Works here, thanks.

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Glad it works.

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