May 9, 2023Liked by Penfist

I am looking forward to hearing more about your experience Pen, and your interview with Sarah. ❤️

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I interviewed Sarah, and two others. Dr. Darrel Ray, from the Recovering from Religion Foundation, and Nick Fish, President of American Atheists.

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May 8, 2023Liked by Penfist

I cannot wait to watch the interview with Sarah.

I'm in awe of her courage and humanity in agreeing to be interviewed during such a traumatic time for the trans community.

Finding your tribe is a powerful moment in a dark and troubled country. Congratulations on pushing past your comfort zone to find new pathways of connection.

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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023Author

Sarah was pretty amazing-brave. I admit that I'm not always at the forefront, but I do care a lot about my fellow humans and want to hear their stories! Thanks for being here, and participating.

*Sarah is articulate and has some amazing allies! Recently including me.

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I have often thought that "humanist" described my thinking well. I have almost joined "them" officially more than once.

I guess my reticence is based on not being someone who needed groups for my identity.

But that's silly. Here I am in layers of substack communities.

Looking forward to your "reporting"!

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I am working on editing right now. I want to cut almost nothing. Each of my three interviews proved to be completely articulate.

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May 9, 2023Liked by Penfist

Thank you for sharing. I have some catching up to do. Eager for your writing.

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Thanks Sara!

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