This is one of your finest pieces in my humble opinion. Scathing. Acerbic. Direct. I loved it as much as I was sickened by his election.

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The Log Cabin Republicans endorsed Johnson...a literal abnegation of the entire purpose of this group. The lengths to which Republicans will stoop to abase themselves is without peer.

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They are a horror. How can Americans allow this to happen?

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They are sick. They are twisted.

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Oh barf! Guess I don't have god glasses because Johnson's remarks don't seem clear about the will of anything except the GOP's hard-on for complete and utter domination and power.

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"Utter domination and power yes. But I would also throw in the concentration of wealth among the wealthiest.

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Back in the 70s, 3 of my 8 (baptized Catholic, church every Sunday) siblings were “born again.” Two went with a group called “Way of the Word.” WOW. I am not sure where the 3rd launched from. What I recall from the time was noticing people all over the world were similarly becoming “fundamentalist” in their beliefs. That’s the word I used then. It was so confusing to me. It was everywhere, not only the U.S. Now I think it was a backlash to all of the freedoms embraced at the time including the one most impactful for me--women’s rights. It is hard to accept the backlash may still be happening. But I think it is. By the way, two of my sibs are no longer so religious (although one follows only Fox News) while the third is still all in and waiting for the end time etc. Back in the 70s I was sure the craziness would burn itself out quickly. How wrong I was!

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Pen, great piece. Thanks.

All of what you have revealed and described is repugnant to most of us. Gag me with a spoon repugnant. And pretty damn stupid.

But let's remember that we are the majority. And if enough of Gen Y and Gen Z show up to vote, this group of primitive minded, superstitious American Taliban will be punished at the polls.

Every element you described is a horror and anti-American. Anti-people. But what galls me the most, makes me the most furious, is that this crazy religious cult thinks it has the right to impose their (perverted) belief system on others. That is morally monstrous thinking. Antique audacity. Essential Evil.

One of the inspired beauties of this nation is the founders desire to separate church from state. I don't care what religious point of view (or lack thereof) an American has. That's another part of our diversity that we should celebrate. But the day someone says their "faith" or religion is the "best one" or that they worship the "only true god" - that's the day they become totalitarian and fracking dangerous.

"Religion" - especially the type Maga Mike professes to believe in (I'm not convinced he doesn't just use it as a political tool - just like the guy with the name I am trying not use today) is on a downtrend. I see this belch of bile popping up temporarily. Younger people (and some old guys like me) don't take seriously the magic man in the sky stuff. And even if they do have some sense of a Great Spirit or a Creator, they have been quite alienated by the corruption, sexual abuse and general nastiness of organized religion. Most Americans want the freedom to be who they are. The freedom to control their own bodies and destinies. Tolerance in the grand scheme of things is trending. This is an ugly bump in the road.

And, since I am drinking my optimistic coffee again, I choose to see the election of Maga Mike as a political gift that keeps on giving from now through November 5, 2024. Mike Johnson - the face of the Republican Party. Insurrectionist. Arrogant bible thumping southern back bench politician who wants to take away your rights. Who wants to defund Social Security and Medicare. Who wants to embrace Project 2025. Talk about party political hari kari. His smooth mellow style will be ripped away as he is confronted with questions about what he wants for America. Thank you, GQP for finally stripping down and revealing your true selves. Blech.

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Other than being completely true, this is a crock of BS.

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