Even Snopes.com missed the mark. MTG did not theorize. She referred to a real experiment proposed by PG&E. But, like many, MTG had no an idea what it was all about, and did not trouble herself to find out, or to have someone do that for her. That is IMO what makes her unsuitable for the function she has. Laziness of the brain.

Apparently Snopes could not be bothered either. They could easily have googled solar energy-CA-space. Bytheway I just did that and found a report dated June 1, 2023:

"A space solar power prototype that was launched into orbit in January is operational and has demonstrated its ability to wirelessly transmit power in space and to beam detectable power to Earth for the first time."


Assertion about (mental) health is indeed a necessity when it comes to military and police. It should be not only be done when selecting, it should be repeated at least every two years. We have too many insecure and nervous police men and -women in the streets, leading to shootings that should not have happened. Google police shooting-Dylan Noble.

Psychiatric evaluations should be mandatory when it comes to the highest position in the country. The Prez is also the Commander-in-Chief. The brains of candidates should be scanned for (age related) damage too. We have the knowledge, we have equipment, why not use it ?

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Jul 12, 2023·edited Jul 12, 2023Author

Knowledge is hard to acquire, and even tougher to integrate into one's worldview. The more I learn about the universe, the more I know how ignorant I am.

Edit: You are right about re-evaluating on a cycle. We do it for driver's licenses, and we should do it for people who are imbued with power.

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Yes ! If this was mandatory maybe George Floyd would still be alive, the three other policemen involved would not be in prison. Kim Potter is another example. Women's brains change when they become menopausal. You can score 100% earlier in life, but become unsuitable for certain professions/activities later on. Why do we not admit it and act upon it ? (I still do not understand why someone is sent to prison for a mistake.)

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Yes, of course political candidates should be screened for mental health but this will never, ever pass today’s Congress. It seems for our own mental health we might concentrate on things that we can accomplish.

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Care to give examples of useful things we can accomplish?

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Sure. One can start with a daily political actions email by a newsletter here on Substack called "Chop Wood, Carry Water."

here's the link:https://chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions.substack.com/about

These little things add up and begin to change the course of our neural pathways. Plus, the author, Jessica Craven, will show you how to create small groups (or large ones) to organize actions, or how to enable #ResistBot for sending letters to your reps. Phone calls are always the best but emails to members of Congress are good, as well. There are also ways to study and work with people who do Deep Canvassing, which uses long empathic conversations to help shift someone's beliefs. It's a good place to start. For me, working with others brings tremendous motivation and inspiration. Trying to be effective when I am alone never works out very well. But groups have their own electric charge. It makes all the difference in the world..

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Methinks RFK jr. opened the door when he started to bench press and do push-ups. Proving his body is in good shape. Great Robert, now can we go on to the next chapter / part of your body ? No not that one.

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I think a better test would be for loyalty. I question the loyalty of dual citizens. I don't think they should be allowed to hold elected office or be appointed a position of power to any administration. In the case of dual citizenship, to which nation is their primary loyalty?

Lisa McGee has FOIAed Oaths of Office of many in the Biden Administration. What did she find? No one has a properly executed Oath of Office as is required. So rather than quibbling about MTG, perhaps we should be digging into a far more important topic. That of one's loyalty to The United States of America.

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I question your ability to engage in critical thinking. Nation-states are a human creation. I'm loyal to improving the human condition. Fuck the United States of America as it exists in 2023. Filled with small-minded hateful humans like you.

Your pretend legal semantics are a waste of time. Your loyalty test is one I'd take up arms against if I needed to do so. I served as a United States Marine and a United States Soldier. I'm quite certain I've contributed more to the USA and humanity than you have. It isn't a contest though. I feel pity for your delusional thinking and dangerous derangement.

The claims about no properly executed Oaths are easily debunked. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/06/22/biden-officials-did-take-oaths-of-office-despite-claim-fact-check/70311745007/

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I served in the Army. Fortunately there were no hot Jewish wars going on in Germany where I was stationed at the time.

I found the Germans to be honest, industrious people. Very pleasant to interact with. It is a shame what they had to endure at the hands of the "Allies" at the end of WWII. Somebody wanted them wiped off the planet. Was it the Jews by chance? Roosevelt's and Eisenhower's handlers perhaps?


General Patton said we went to war on the wrong side. I have to agree. It is the Bolsheviks we should have been fighting along side the respectful Germans. The Russian people suffered greatly at the hands of the Bolsheviks. Look up the Holodomor. It seems the Holocaust was projection on the Germans to hide the real crimes committed by the Bolsheviks against the Ukrainians and the Russians.

And show me a properly signed, dated and notarized oath of office for Anthony Blinken. Or any other high level official in the Biden Administration. Video clips are not the prescribed mechanism for oath swearing. They must be in writing to be valid. Show me one. Try a FOIA request yourself and publish it here. Good luck.

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History is full of injustice, but that isn't the Jews' fault. That's your main cognitive error. The human condition is awful for a large swath of the species. Why not focus on coming up with solutions instead of finger pointing? You're looking backwards into the dark. Maybe consider looking forward into the light.

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The light is Dr. Shiva. That is what first got you riled up, claiming I was conned into a cult. You might call Dr. Shiva an antisemite. He is definitely antizionist. That means to me that if he is elected, he will purge the dual citizens with Israel from his administration. Dual citizens can't claim that they put America first can they? They most certainly cannot.

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