The adults never showed up and fixed things, despite all my secret hopes. I guess we need new adults, because a convicted felon and rapist is also the president of the USA!
For all of Trump’s buffoonery, and there was plenty, just off-camera were billionaires busy earning passive income and pulling the strings. This is their government now. They’ve owned it for a long time, have enjoyed getting historically rich feeding off of the needs and resources of empire, but this current push is an attempt to finalize the deal. Musk bought MAGA for a relatively measly sum. The rest are investing as the sham continues and grows.
A kakistocracy is rule by the least competent, the least principled, and the most unscrupulous people available. That is the present reality in the former democracy of the USA. It is very likely that America will not come out the other side in any form that we can imagine.
“There is a very good chance that the American dollar will collapse in the foreseeable future.” — Ron Unz
I am no fan of Ron Unz, but he does get some things right in the above video. Health care IS too expensive and the outcomes are terrible considering the expense. The military industrial complex is a scam. War is a racket perpetuated by a few powerful narcissists. Mostly, Unz is probably correct when he says a revolution is coming.
The American dollar collapsing isn’t the worst of the many terrible outcomes that are days to years away.
I have had to stay (mostly) offline during this shit show of a power transition. I do not have the mental fortitude to listen to that gibbering orange moron and his sycophants any further. Luckily, Jared Yates Sexton does.
I haven’t been shy about this: there is an oligarchy solidifying control over the United States.
Joe Biden was finally able to say something about it in his farewell address, but even if he hadn’t have said those words, and they were certainly too little too late, this inauguration would have spoken volumes. Surrounding Trump as he took his oath and served up his fascistic vision were some of the world’s richest men and representation of the most influential and powerful communication platforms on the planet.
We know why they were there. They were keeping an eye on their investment.
This was a stark reminder of exactly what we’re facing. For all of Trump’s buffoonery, and there was plenty, just off-camera were billionaires busy earning passive income and pulling the strings. This is their government now. They’ve owned it for a long time, have enjoyed getting historically rich feeding off of the needs and resources of empire, but this current push is an attempt to finalize the deal. Musk bought MAGA for a relatively measly sum. The rest are investing as the sham continues and grows. As of the time of this article, the major platforms are all in and either actively promoting Trump and censoring opposition or beginning the process.
It’s not a coup. It’s a hostile takeover.
Someday, when this battle is over and we have won, we’ll look back on this inauguration and see it for what it was. Every camera shot will be a reminder of the moment in which the facade fell by the wayside and we were able to see, beyond a doubt, as to what had taken place. Trump returned, but he wasn’t alone.
We (progressives and sane humans) do not know what will come next. We do have some macro-level ideas about what to expect.
Human rights are going to be violated;
Racism is going to be tolerated and encouraged;
Religious fruit cakes will be taken seriously and their wacky ideas empowered;
Lies will be told and perpetuated all day, every day;
Democracy Lite has been replaced by Kakistrocacy Heavy;
Normal people who don’t want to be involved will suffer for their inaction;
Activists for human progress and less inequality will be persecuted;
People are going to be murdered for the egos of the oligarchs;
The planet will continue to be abused.
Micro corruption is now macro corruption. Take your worst case scenario that lives in your nightmares. Now take that to the tenth power. It will be worse than that if we do not do something. Get going before you die from inaction.
Bear witness and fight. It is now or never.
Do not let the Nazis continue breeding in Kakistocraland.