The year is about to flip over and the country I’ve spent most of my energy on is about to flip back the clock. No one knows how far. What we know for sure is that those in power are desperate to continue ruling the rest of us. The gods of capitalism are also the gods of failure.
Capitalism is an excuse to avoid critical thinking. It is an excuse to be intellectually lazy. It is an excuse towards mediocrity. It is an excuse to wallow in the dark past or revert to the worst human impulses that have ever risen to ascend as high as the systems of power go.
The Trumpstain Years are about to repeat in orders of magnitude. What does that mean? More alienation. More bigotry. More rapes. More murders. More pointless human suffering. The orange puppet brings nothing but evil to the table, and he is the ugly face of an invention called Capitalism. An evil machine that grinds most of us into paste so a few can pretend to thrive while they shit on everything. That includes themselves.
This stuff is important. That is why the greed monsters intentionally inject poisons and ignorance into the systems that could easily sustain all of us, but become corrupted to sustain only a few of us.
We are all human, and most of us are not paying attention. I have some years left, I hope. I will spend them, as best I can, demanding the attention of the paste people. We could easily rise above.
Socialism is what’s left after capitalism gets done eating the world. If anything is left for anyone. Capitalism kills. It can never be satisfied. It can never improve the world. It will not evolve, and it has no self-imposed restraints because there is no ethical framework and the moral compass is absent.
No matter how many indoctrination institutions are promulgated , or how many lies are told, or how many young lives are ruined, socialism is worth dying for. Capitalism isn’t. Do not let yourself and everything you love be ground into paste. Don’t bow the knee while oligarchs and narcissists kill the world.
Pen, I hope our rage becomes contagious. I suspect as more and more of the Peasants are ground into paste by the Nobles, the rage will spread.
Sadly, history suggests that things have to become wicked horrible and unsustainably brutal before the Peasants develop the courage to take back what was always theirs. No idea when that will occur. The Reaganites were clever. They took our blood, but left us with enough to survive. The Muskovites won't care who dies. They will just import more slaves.
My philosophy is that we could have a nice blend of socialism and capitalism. Actually we have a blend already. It's just not fair or nice.
A socialist society that offers healthcare, education, decent housing, clean water and food security would seem to be easy to obtain if we reallocated the money.
Another thought is that we have allowed individuals private ownership of the fossil fuels that should belong to all if us. Damn that Rockefeller and his political prowess and brutal use of his riches.
That being said, a capitalist system for the production of products and services - no monopolies - if well regulated - can be an engine that propels a nation to prosperity. Of course, you are right. Our current version is a fucking evil way to send billions...trillions to just a few people. In a way, it's socialism for the rich.
It is time for both systems to find their place. And their balance. A redistribution is way overdue.
Thanks for writing this letter.