These are strange times. Very strange. Looking back at the history I have lived though, I should have seen this circus coming.
I immigrated to this country from Haiti in 1983. Back then, Reagan was the President. My parents loved him, so 12-year-old me thought he was a super duper President. 53-year-old me knows that it was Reagan who enabled the political conditions we face today. Reagan was the original MAGA. Drumpf stole that idea and corrupted it even further.
Reagan set the stage. How?
Without exception, nothing commanded President Reagan's attention more than Russia. There were seemingly no lengths he wouldn't go to in the name of making sure Russia failed at every damn thing they tried in the '80s. He spent millions of dollars in taxpayer money supporting any and every effort to fight communism (or anything that sort of resembled it) anywhere in the world it happened to rear its head. It was called the "Reagan Doctrine," and it explains not only our economy-wrecking obsession with shooting Russian missiles out of the sky, but also our multiple attempts to interfere in the politics of Central America at the time.
Iran-Contra - selling arms for hostages and to fund toppling a foreign government. All illegally.
Reaganomics - giving the obscenely wealthy tax cuts so they can “create more jobs.” That’s not how economics work. Tanked the economy.
Labor Unions - destroying the right of workers to strike, destroying their bargaining power.
AIDs epidemic - Reagan ignored it. Pretended it wasn’t happening. Shrugged it off. By doing so, he made the “gay disease” stigma far worse.
Middle East - US interventions in Afghanistan and other Islamic countries under Reagan created the conditions for terrorism and terrorist leaders like Osama bin Laden to emerge and grow.
Mental health - Reagan’s approach to mental health issues was basically the same as his approach to AIDs: ignore it. Even worse, slash budgets for treating people with mental illnesses. This was the catalyst for today’s homelessness crisis.
Decades passed, and Reagan’s example of making everything in society worse for everyone except the disgustingly rich and powerful was copied by Republicans everywhere. This legacy of bumbling idiocy, intentional ignorance, and extreme selfishness leads us directly to today.
Today, we face a choice between a lunatic criminal fascist leading a cult or a party that supports the genocide in Israel and offers a version of what I will call Democracy Lite. No other viable options are on the table, and that is intentional.
The party of insanity and the party of mediocrity are keeping all the power for themselves while hundreds of millions of Americans exist hand to mouth and paycheck to paycheck. The health care system and social safety networks are broken. The culture is violent and broken. I can barely imagine what it is like to grow up in conditions so bad most young adults cannot buy a home and won’t ever be able to. In a time when conspiracy thinking is rampant and critical thinking is hiding for fear of being lynched by militias composed of outraged morons who have no idea they are programmed pawns, it is a miracle that more people do not lose their marbles and try to shoot or stab Reagan’s MAGA spawn Orangeman.
If someone succeeded, I fear a more competent replacement would step out of the shadows. I weep for the future, but I will be casting my vote for democracy lite. I wish I had faith it will save us from our own shortcomings.
We can do so much better. We must.
This site provides much detail re the applied politics of the great (zombifying) "communicator
This 2019 essay describes the nature of the applied politics of right-wing Christians with specific reference to opus dei and the First Things cabal.
The current posting on this site provides an update.
Kevin Roberts the number one honcho of the benighted 2025 Project is closely associated with opus dei as indeed is J D Vance who wrote the foreword to Roberts book.
Are you familiar with the book by Chris Hedges titled American Fascists The Christian Right and Its War Against America. In my opinion the 2025 project is one of the leading edge vectors of this war!
This essay subtitled A Senator From the Unconscious provides a perceptive take-down on the fake "character" of J D Vance
Dear Penfist,
Your outline is useful and won't scare away the generations since the House of Reagan-Bush\Clinton-Gore\Bush-Quayle\Obama-Biden all under the Neo-Liberal E-CON eagle eye of Alan Greenspan in service to the metaphorical Wall Street (long since de-centralized hub of radical and rigged\hedged speculation) Oligarchs and Plutocrats. In short, our national owners.
That would be a Complex Daddy Warbucks Complex that would make a nursery rhyme out of any similar monarchical Royal Family Tree. It would also limit your readers to those with a yen or dollar for the sort of small print complexity that appeals to our Speculative Daddy Warbucks Complex, and less so to any idealists of any stripe, even truth-be-told the Fascistic strip of control freaks.
However, in pieces such as this useful one you've created here in SubstackLand that goes so far as to add policy memes reminding US of the Social Costs of Wealth Concentration which has marked our nation's post WW II Era and has undermined the few serious attempts to grow a work-able Muddle Class in-between our Perma Feudal Classes ever expanding at top and bottom of the operative E-CON, it would be useful to add a few key faces to the political buttons of the low-level Public Servants who get elected to do the Complex Speculative Complex's foundation building and assorted other Daddy Warbucks construction and R&D gigs remaining in our Wealth Concentration Management Portfolio.
For that we need to turn to the international community's efforts at improving current measures or the inter-national E-CON illusory measure of National Wealth\Illth, named GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP): Lamentably and not frequently mentioned even in Elite University Business and E-CON course curricula is the failure of established GDP formula to measure any nation's WELL-BEING!
Also, Penfist, when it comes to filling our Unified curriculum of higher learning on how we got to our current wealthiest nation in quantified human his\herstory's State of Wealth Concentration and Spread of National Illth and Poverty (the measure of the opposite of a nation's Well-Being that GDP revisioners are using to center the coming replacement of GDP as Global Inter National Well-Being E-CON standard, we should review the policymakers and Public Relations Managers of the current and previous U.S. Spread of Illth and Poverty while wealth was in hyper exclusionary concentration mode over the past 50 years for those without the Capital Reserves to sell out and become corporate-captured along with our National Owners:
Courses should be prepared and ready to go with poly-lingual concordance by next summer's University sessions. The primer of course will be this dynamic 41 minute Tubingen U. lecture in Germany yet in English language with engaging Q&A between Professor, students and faculty by former U.S. Finance Minister and highly sought after E-CON revisionary Yanis Varoufakis that will clear away the debris of the Neo-Liberal E-CON policies and measures apart from GDP that brung US all here intentionally to our hyper state of WEALTH CONCENTRATION and SOCIAL ILLTH:
Yanis Varoufakis: From an Economics without Capitalism to Markets without Capitalism | DiEM25
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663,805 views Jan 26, 2021
"A lecture organised by University of Tübingen economics students, delivered on Monday February 3, 2020, on the theme "From an Economics without Capitalism to Markets without Capitalism".
"Mainstream economic models lack some important features of really-existing capitalism, including money, time and space. Its models offer ideological cover for a capitalist system that has usurped competitive, free markets."
"The result? Unbearable inequality, climate catastrophe and permanent stagnation. A fork on the road is approaching: It will take us either into deeper stagnation and environmental degradation or to a society with markets but no capitalism. Prof. Yanis Varoufakis talks about the future of our economy and the current state of economics with special regard to pluralism in economics."
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