Mar 17, 2023Liked by Penfist

I wish I knew what to say.

The troops were owed a public apology and full restitution for losses caused by wars that destroyed multiple countries, decimated America's reputation abroad, and leftvactoll of death, injury and destruction that is unforgivable.

The only honesty about the wars has come...not from politicians, who show little leadership at the best of times, but from Jon Stewart who literally publicly shamed Congress to pass burn pit legislation.

We live in a society with a shattered democracy, rotted institutions, a craven political media, and mountains of propaganda on both sides of the political divide.

The US is akin collapsed bank, but it's too big too fail, so we're all collectively pretend that we live in a democratic society vs the reality of a society where money, skin color, and birthplace determine our worth.

I'm not helping...

What I can say is that my world is better for your wisdom, and your honesty.

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Mostly my mind stays on the other side. I got crumbs and the ones I helped invade got nothing.

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I’m humbled.

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I know my words of consolation to you would be inadequate. I can thank you though. Your words do (needed) damage to the paradigms of war being a glorious pursuit and the delusion we are the exceptional nation. Keep on thinking as you are. Penfist. Yep the pen is mightier.

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Thank you Mary. I have no regrets, but I do have lessons to learn from the past (my past).

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I read this after hearing Sebastian Junger go on about how war is good because it’s how young men prove themselves. I guess it’s easy to think war has benefits when you never have to actually fight. Anyone who starts thinking that way should have to read this, and keep reading it until they get their head straight.

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Sebastian Junger is an excellent documentarian. Having said that, I think he gets a lot of his priorities related to experiencing the human condition pretty skewed.

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I’d actually never heard of him before he was on Bari Weiss’ podcast, so I’m only judging him based on that conversation (unfair, I know.) I can’t get over the fact that she hardly challenged him at all. Part of it went like this:

Bari: War, what is it good for? A lot, actually.

Sebastian: Oh, yeah. Look at the Ukrainians and how they’ve pulled together.

Come on! The Ukrainians are very much looking forward to Russia’s surrender. While it’s true that the Ukrainians are unlikely to give up, that’s not the same not wanting it to end...or thinking it’s good! FFS.

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Russia is not going to surrender. Neither is Ukraine.

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I am glad you have achieved some sense of finality - at least on the legal financial aspect.

I am ashamed of how America treats our veterans. I am appalled that complete healthcare for life isn't provided to anyone who serves. And why does it have to be at a VA facility? How about a Veterans medical ID that is a ticket to care just like Medicare?

I am disgusted that veterans can't be guaranteed an education and a job after doing what most of us don't have the courage to do.

But forward ho. I look forward to your future writing.

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The VA does have a program for going outside VA facilities. It's called Community Care. It is very broken.

I trust all is well with you Bill, or as close to well as possible.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Penfist

Sorry to go on about this Penfist. It just hit me kind of hard and I’m worried about you too.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Penfist

I don’t know if you noticed I changed my substack picture. It’s usually a silly thing but last night I felt compelled to change it to my high school graduation picture when I shared a very personal and traumatic story on Lucian Truscott’s substack on women’s healthcare rights. Here it is:


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I can't comment on the post because I am not currently a paid subscriber. I will comment here instead - women have every right to bodily autonomy. Society should prioritize that in conjunction with health care, especially mental health care. I'm sorry for what happened to you. And I am going to spend the rest of my life fighting for different social priorities.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Penfist

If you didn’t hear the news story, the South Carolina legislature is trying to pass a bill to allow and persue the death penalty for women who have had an abortion without exception for rape or incest

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I am aware and will be writing an essay about it this weekend.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Penfist

Penfist, please keep talking. Your story needs to be heard by everyone. I am so sorry for what you went through. We are living in a selfish and greed ridden society that continues to dominate. But if we keep thinking, talking, and living a much kinder life, as well as band together and call out their BS and find ways to hold them accountable, my hope is a better life for all. Of course I sound like Pollyanna, but the only thing I can go on is to keep speaking your truth, ask for help when you need it (I know that one well, I’m terrible at asking for help) and be kind💙💛

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Thank you Karen. I promise to keep talking. Now that my battle with the VA is finally over, I will have more bandwidth to think, listen, learn, and grow.

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